cmd1 | cmd2 | cmd3

#include <unistd.h>
int pipe(int filedes[2]);


As with any file descriptor, we can use the read() and write() system calls to perform I/O on the pipe. Once written to the write end of a pipe, data is immediately available to be read from the read end. A read() from a pipe obtains the lesser of the number of bytes requested and the number of bytes currently available in the pipe (but blocks if the pipe is empty).




*                  Copyright (C) Michael Kerrisk, 2018.                   *
*                                                                         *
* This program is free software. You may use, modify, and redistribute it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the   *
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 or (at your option) any      *
* later version. This program is distributed without any warranty.  See   *
* the file COPYING.gpl-v3 for details.                                    *

/* Listing 44-2 */

/* simple_pipe.c

   Simple demonstration of the use of a pipe to communicate
   between a parent and a child process.

   Usage: simple_pipe "string"

   The program creates a pipe, and then calls fork() to create a child process.
   After the fork(), the parent writes the string given on the command line
   to the pipe, and the child uses a loop to read data from the pipe and
   print it on standard output.
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include "tlpi_hdr.h"

#define BUF_SIZE 10

main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int pfd[2];                             /* Pipe file descriptors */
    char buf[BUF_SIZE];
    ssize_t numRead;

    if (argc != 2 || strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0)
        usageErr("%s string\n", argv[0]);

    if (pipe(pfd) == -1)                    /* Create the pipe */

    switch (fork()) {
    case -1:

    case 0:             /* Child  - reads from pipe */
        if (close(pfd[1]) == -1)            /* Write end is unused */
            errExit("close - child");

        for (;;) {              /* Read data from pipe, echo on stdout */
            numRead = read(pfd[0], buf, BUF_SIZE);
            if (numRead == -1)
            if (numRead == 0)
                break;                      /* End-of-file */
            if (write(STDOUT_FILENO, buf, numRead) != numRead)
                fatal("child - partial/failed write");

        write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\n", 1);
        if (close(pfd[0]) == -1)

    default:            /* Parent - writes to pipe */
        if (close(pfd[0]) == -1)            /* Read end is unused */
            errExit("close - parent");

        if (write(pfd[1], argv[1], strlen(argv[1])) != strlen(argv[1]))
            fatal("parent - partial/failed write");

        if (close(pfd[1]) == -1)            /* Child will see EOF */
        wait(NULL);                         /* Wait for child to finish */
*                  Copyright (C) Michael Kerrisk, 2018.                   *
*                                                                         *
* This program is free software. You may use, modify, and redistribute it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the   *
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 or (at your option) any      *
* later version. This program is distributed without any warranty.  See   *
* the file COPYING.gpl-v3 for details.                                    *

/* Listing 44-3 */

/* pipe_sync.c

   Show how pipes can be used for synchronizing the actions of a parent and
   multiple child processes.

   Usage: pipe_sync sleep-time...

   After creating a pipe, the program creates one child for each command-line
   argument. Each child simulates doing some work by sleeping for the number of
   seconds specified in the corresponding command-line argument. When it has
   finished doing its "work", each child closes its file descriptor for the
   write end of the pipe; the parent can see that all children have finished
   their work when it sees end-of-file on the read end of the pipe.
#include "curr_time.h"                      /* Declaration of currTime() */
#include "tlpi_hdr.h"

main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int pfd[2];                             /* Process synchronization pipe */
    int j, dummy;

    if (argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0)
        usageErr("%s sleep-time...\n", argv[0]);

    setbuf(stdout, NULL);                   /* Make stdout unbuffered, since we
                                               terminate child with _exit() */
    printf("%s  Parent started\n", currTime("%T"));

    if (pipe(pfd) == -1)

    for (j = 1; j < argc; j++) {
        switch (fork()) {
        case -1:
            errExit("fork %d", j);

        case 0: /* Child */
            if (close(pfd[0]) == -1)        /* Read end is unused */

            /* Child does some work, and lets parent know it's done */

            sleep(getInt(argv[j], GN_NONNEG, "sleep-time"));
                                            /* Simulate processing */
            printf("%s  Child %d (PID=%ld) closing pipe\n",
                    currTime("%T"), j, (long) getpid());
            if (close(pfd[1]) == -1)

            /* Child now carries on to do other things... */


        default: /* Parent loops to create next child */

    /* Parent comes here; close write end of pipe so we can see EOF */

    if (close(pfd[1]) == -1)                /* Write end is unused */

    /* Parent may do other work, then synchronizes with children */

    if (read(pfd[0], &dummy, 1) != 0)
        fatal("parent didn't get EOF");
    printf("%s  Parent ready to go\n", currTime("%T"));

    /* Parent can now carry on to do other things... */


Using a pipe to connect ls and wc

*                  Copyright (C) Michael Kerrisk, 2018.                   *
*                                                                         *
* This program is free software. You may use, modify, and redistribute it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the   *
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 or (at your option) any      *
* later version. This program is distributed without any warranty.  See   *
* the file COPYING.gpl-v3 for details.                                    *

/* Listing 44-4 */

/* pipe_ls_wc.c

   Demonstrate the use of a pipe to connect two filters. We use fork()
   to create two children. The first one execs ls(1), which writes to
   the pipe, the second execs wc(1) to read from the pipe.
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include "tlpi_hdr.h"

main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int pfd[2];                                     /* Pipe file descriptors */

    if (pipe(pfd) == -1)                            /* Create pipe */

    switch (fork()) {
    case -1:

    case 0:             /* First child: exec 'ls' to write to pipe */
        if (close(pfd[0]) == -1)                    /* Read end is unused */
            errExit("close 1");

        /* Duplicate stdout on write end of pipe; close duplicated descriptor */

        if (pfd[1] != STDOUT_FILENO) {              /* Defensive check */
            if (dup2(pfd[1], STDOUT_FILENO) == -1)
                errExit("dup2 1");
            if (close(pfd[1]) == -1)
                errExit("close 2");

        execlp("ls", "ls", (char *) NULL);          /* Writes to pipe */
        errExit("execlp ls");

    default:            /* Parent falls through to create next child */

    switch (fork()) {
    case -1:

    case 0:             /* Second child: exec 'wc' to read from pipe */
        if (close(pfd[1]) == -1)                    /* Write end is unused */
            errExit("close 3");

        /* Duplicate stdin on read end of pipe; close duplicated descriptor */

        if (pfd[0] != STDIN_FILENO) {               /* Defensive check */
            if (dup2(pfd[0], STDIN_FILENO) == -1)
                errExit("dup2 2");
            if (close(pfd[0]) == -1)
                errExit("close 4");

        execlp("wc", "wc", "-l", (char *) NULL);
        errExit("execlp wc");

    default: /* Parent falls through */

    /* Parent closes unused file descriptors for pipe, and waits for children */

    if (close(pfd[0]) == -1)
        errExit("close 5");
    if (close(pfd[1]) == -1)
        errExit("close 6");
    if (wait(NULL) == -1)
        errExit("wait 1");
    if (wait(NULL) == -1)
        errExit("wait 2");



root@52coder:~/tlpi-dist/pipes# ./pipe_ls_wc 
root@52coder:~/tlpi-dist/pipes# ls |wc -l

关于dup和dup2的一个解释非常清晰的视频dup dup2 example


*                  Copyright (C) Michael Kerrisk, 2018.                   *
*                                                                         *
* This program is free software. You may use, modify, and redistribute it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the   *
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 or (at your option) any      *
* later version. This program is distributed without any warranty.  See   *
* the file COPYING.gpl-v3 for details.                                    *

/* Listing 44-5 */

/* popen_glob.c

   Demonstrate the use of popen() and pclose().

   This program reads filename wildcard patterns from standard input and
   passes each pattern to a popen() call that returns the output from ls(1)
   for the wildcard pattern. The program displays the returned output.
#include <ctype.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "print_wait_status.h"          /* For printWaitStatus() */
#include "tlpi_hdr.h"

#define POPEN_FMT "/bin/ls -d %s 2> /dev/null"
#define PAT_SIZE 50
#define PCMD_BUF_SIZE (sizeof(POPEN_FMT) + PAT_SIZE)

main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char pat[PAT_SIZE];                 /* Pattern for globbing */
    char popenCmd[PCMD_BUF_SIZE];
    FILE *fp;                           /* File stream returned by popen() */
    Boolean badPattern;                 /* Invalid characters in 'pat'? */
    int len, status, fileCnt, j;
    char pathname[PATH_MAX];

    for (;;) {                  /* Read pattern, display results of globbing */
        printf("pattern: ");
        if (fgets(pat, PAT_SIZE, stdin) == NULL)
            break;                      /* EOF */
        len = strlen(pat);
        if (len <= 1)                   /* Empty line */

        if (pat[len - 1] == '\n')       /* Strip trailing newline */
            pat[len - 1] = '\0';

        /* Ensure that the pattern contains only valid characters,
           i.e., letters, digits, underscore, dot, and the shell
           globbing characters. (Our definition of valid is more
           restrictive than the shell, which permits other characters
           to be included in a filename if they are quoted.) */

        for (j = 0, badPattern = FALSE; j < len && !badPattern; j++)
            if (!isalnum((unsigned char) pat[j]) &&
                    strchr("_*?[^-].", pat[j]) == NULL)
                badPattern = TRUE;

        if (badPattern) {
            printf("Bad pattern character: %c\n", pat[j - 1]);

        /* Build and execute command to glob 'pat' */

        snprintf(popenCmd, PCMD_BUF_SIZE, POPEN_FMT, pat);

        fp = popen(popenCmd, "r");
        if (fp == NULL) {
            printf("popen() failed\n");

        /* Read resulting list of pathnames until EOF */

        fileCnt = 0;
        while (fgets(pathname, PATH_MAX, fp) != NULL) {
            printf("%s", pathname);

        /* Close pipe, fetch and display termination status */

        status = pclose(fp);
        printf("    %d matching file%s\n", fileCnt, (fileCnt != 1) ? "s" : "");
        printf("    pclose() status = %#x\n", (unsigned int) status);
        if (status != -1)
            printWaitStatus("\t", status);



root@52coder:~/tlpi-dist/pipes# ./popen_glob 
pattern: popen_glob*
    2 matching files
    pclose() status = 0
    child exited, status=0


有一篇非常清晰和基础的文章,关于命名管道。Linux mkfifo Command Tutorial for Beginners (with Examples)
文章中讲了一个非常实用的技巧,实用命令mkfifo pipe2创建了一个fifo,接着在两个终端中先后执行如下操作:
终端A ls / >pipe2
终端B cat < pipe2
终端B中可以看到在终端A中ls /的结果。

$ mkfifo myfifo
$ wc -l < myfifo &
#ls显示的结果,一份给fifo,另一份给sort,给到fifo数据后wc -l会显示输出
$ ls -l | tee myfifo | sort -k5n



root@52coder:~# mkfifo myfifo
root@52coder:~# wc -l < myfifo &
[1] 29172
root@52coder:~# ls -l | tee myfifo |sort -k5n
prw-r--r--  1 root root    0 5月   3 17:48 myfifo
total 20
drwxr-xr-x 23 root root 4096 5月   2 17:28 PR
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 5月   3 12:25 workspace
drwxr-xr-x 39 root root 4096 5月   2 17:28 unp
drwxr-xr-x 50 root root 4096 5月   2 22:56 tlpi-dist
drwxr-xr-x  6 root root 4096 5月   2 17:28 redis-3.0
root@52coder:~# 7
[1]+  Done                    wc -l < myfifo



*                  Copyright (C) Michael Kerrisk, 2018.                   *
*                                                                         *
* This program is free software. You may use, modify, and redistribute it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the   *
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 or (at your option) any      *
* later version. This program is distributed without any warranty.  See   *
* the file COPYING.gpl-v3 for details.                                    *

/* Listing 44-6 */

/* fifo_seqnum.h

   Header file used by fifo_seqnum_server.c and fifo_seqnum_client.c

   These programs create FIFOS in /tmp. This makes it easy to compile and
   run the programs. However, for a security reasons, a real-world
   application should never create sensitive files in /tmp. (As a simple of
   example of the kind of security problems that can result, a malicious
   user could create a FIFO using the name defined in SERVER_FIFO, and
   thereby cause a denial of service attack against this application.
   See Section 38.7 of "The Linux Programming Interface" for more details
   on this subject.)
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "tlpi_hdr.h"

#define SERVER_FIFO "/tmp/seqnum_sv"
                                /* Well-known name for server's FIFO */
#define CLIENT_FIFO_TEMPLATE "/tmp/seqnum_cl.%ld"
                                /* Template for building client FIFO name */
                                /* Space required for client FIFO pathname
                                  (+20 as a generous allowance for the PID) */

struct request {                /* Request (client --> server) */
    pid_t pid;                  /* PID of client */
    int seqLen;                 /* Length of desired sequence */

struct response {               /* Response (server --> client) */
    int seqNum;                 /* Start of sequence */


*                  Copyright (C) Michael Kerrisk, 2018.                   *
*                                                                         *
* This program is free software. You may use, modify, and redistribute it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the   *
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 or (at your option) any      *
* later version. This program is distributed without any warranty.  See   *
* the file COPYING.gpl-v3 for details.                                    *

/* Listing 44-7 */

/* fifo_seqnum_server.c

   An example of a server using a FIFO to handle client requests.
   The "service" provided is the allocation of unique sequential
   numbers. Each client submits a request consisting of its PID, and
   the length of the sequence it is to be allocated by the server.
   The PID is used by both the server and the client to construct
   the name of the FIFO used by the client for receiving responses.

   The server reads each client request, and uses the client's FIFO
   to send back the starting value of the sequence allocated to that
   client. The server then increments its counter of used numbers
   by the length specified in the client request.

   See fifo_seqnum.h for the format of request and response messages.

   The client is in fifo_seqnum_client.c.
#include <signal.h>
#include "fifo_seqnum.h"

main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int serverFd, dummyFd, clientFd;
    char clientFifo[CLIENT_FIFO_NAME_LEN];
    struct request req;
    struct response resp;
    int seqNum = 0;                     /* This is our "service" */

    /* Create well-known FIFO, and open it for reading */

    umask(0);                           /* So we get the permissions we want */
    if (mkfifo(SERVER_FIFO, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP) == -1
            && errno != EEXIST)
        errExit("mkfifo %s", SERVER_FIFO);
    serverFd = open(SERVER_FIFO, O_RDONLY);
    if (serverFd == -1)
        errExit("open %s", SERVER_FIFO);

    /* Open an extra write descriptor, so that we never see EOF */

    dummyFd = open(SERVER_FIFO, O_WRONLY);
    if (dummyFd == -1)
        errExit("open %s", SERVER_FIFO);

    /* Let's find out about broken client pipe via failed write() */

    if (signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR)    errExit("signal");

    for (;;) {                          /* Read requests and send responses */
        if (read(serverFd, &req, sizeof(struct request))
                != sizeof(struct request)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error reading request; discarding\n");
            continue;                   /* Either partial read or error */

        /* Open client FIFO (previously created by client) */

        snprintf(clientFifo, CLIENT_FIFO_NAME_LEN, CLIENT_FIFO_TEMPLATE,
                (long) req.pid);
        clientFd = open(clientFifo, O_WRONLY);
        if (clientFd == -1) {           /* Open failed, give up on client */
            errMsg("open %s", clientFifo);

        /* Send response and close FIFO */

        resp.seqNum = seqNum;
        if (write(clientFd, &resp, sizeof(struct response))
                != sizeof(struct response))
            fprintf(stderr, "Error writing to FIFO %s\n", clientFifo);
        if (close(clientFd) == -1)

        seqNum += req.seqLen;           /* Update our sequence number */


*                  Copyright (C) Michael Kerrisk, 2018.                   *
*                                                                         *
* This program is free software. You may use, modify, and redistribute it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the   *
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 or (at your option) any      *
* later version. This program is distributed without any warranty.  See   *
* the file COPYING.gpl-v3 for details.                                    *

/* Listing 44-8 */

/* fifo_seqnum_client.c

   A simple client that uses a well-known FIFO to request a (trivial)
   "sequence number service". This client creates its own FIFO (using a
   convention agreed upon by client and server) which is used to receive a reply
   from the server. The client then sends a request to the server consisting of
   its PID and the length of the sequence it wishes to be allocated. The client
   then reads the server's response and displays it on stdout.

   See fifo_seqnum.h for the format of request and response messages.

   The server is in fifo_seqnum_server.c.
#include "fifo_seqnum.h"

static char clientFifo[CLIENT_FIFO_NAME_LEN];

static void             /* Invoked on exit to delete client FIFO */

main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int serverFd, clientFd;
    struct request req;
    struct response resp;

    if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0)
        usageErr("%s [seq-len]\n", argv[0]);

    /* Create our FIFO (before sending request, to avoid a race) */

    umask(0);                   /* So we get the permissions we want */
            (long) getpid());
    if (mkfifo(clientFifo, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP) == -1
                && errno != EEXIST)
        errExit("mkfifo %s", clientFifo);

    if (atexit(removeFifo) != 0)

    /* Construct request message, open server FIFO, and send message */

    req.pid = getpid();
    req.seqLen = (argc > 1) ? getInt(argv[1], GN_GT_0, "seq-len") : 1;

    serverFd = open(SERVER_FIFO, O_WRONLY);
    if (serverFd == -1)
        errExit("open %s", SERVER_FIFO);

    if (write(serverFd, &req, sizeof(struct request)) !=
            sizeof(struct request))
        fatal("Can't write to server");

    /* Open our FIFO, read and display response */

    clientFd = open(clientFifo, O_RDONLY);
    if (clientFd == -1)
        errExit("open %s", clientFifo);

    if (read(clientFd, &resp, sizeof(struct response))
            != sizeof(struct response))
        fatal("Can't read response from server");

    printf("%d\n", resp.seqNum);